Results 5


Kaunas Klaipėda Jurbarkas Prienai
Gerunda, UAB

Gerunda, UAB

Kalvarijos g. 7 (Aleksotas), Kaunas (Affiliates)
Pressed joints, oakum, linen, sealing tape, sealing paste, thermostat, silicon strip, thermo controllers, filters, pipe clamps
Closes 17.00
Kalvarijos g. 7 (Aleksotas), Kaunas (Affiliates)

Visas šildymas, UAB

59119 Prienai
Holders, pressed joints, oakum, linen, strip, air vents, gauge, thermometer, thermomanometer, valve, safety valve, non-return valve
Closes 17.00
59119 Prienai
Santechprekyba, UAB

Santechprekyba, UAB

Svajonės g. 5, Klaipėda
Pressed joints, oakum, linen, strip, air vents, heating materials, building boards, concrete products, heating, boilers, underfloor heating
Svajonės g. 5, Klaipėda
Gerunda, parduotuvė, UAB

Gerunda, parduotuvė, UAB

Butrimonių g. 5 (Dainava), Kaunas (Affiliates)
Plug, oakum, strip, thermo controllers, check valves, filters, percolator, balancing crane, spigot, air vents, brass fittings
Closes 17.00
Butrimonių g. 5 (Dainava), Kaunas (Affiliates)

DK statyba, filialas, UAB

Algirdo g. 7A, Jurbarkas (Affiliates)
Holders, pressed joints, oakum, linen, strip, air vents, gauge, thermometer, thermomanometer, valve, safety valve, non-return valve
Closes 17.00
Algirdo g. 7A, Jurbarkas (Affiliates)


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